Women's Thick High Heel All-Match Solid Color Fish Mouth Sandals

  • $57.99
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Color: Yellow, Red, Green, Black

Sizes: 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43

Upper material: PU

Product Category: Sandals

Toe shape: fish mouth

Sole Material: Rubber

Inner material: PU

How to wear: Buckle



The number of yards refers to the international standard size comparison table (the actual situation depends on the individual foot shape)
US Size 34 35 36 37 38 39
Chinses Size 220 225 230 235 240 245
Foot length (mm) 215-220 221-225 226-230 231-235 236-240 241-245

1. The above data are measured in centimeters;

2. Put your foot on the white paper, use a pen to point out two points before and after, the distance between the two points is the correct foot length;

3. There is a slight difference in the size of the left and right feet, and the data of the larger foot shall prevail;

4. If the instep is high and the foot is wide and fat. It is recommended to choose a larger - - size, if the instep is flat and the foot is slender, it is recommended to choose a smaller size;

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